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Pr. Bernard Coyault

Bernard Coyault is an anthropologist (EHESS – Paris), associate researcher at the Institut des Mondes africains (IMAF) and at the mixed international research laboratory MOVIDA (Mobilities, Travels, Innovations and Dynamics in Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan Africa). He teaches Anthropology and Sociology of Religion, Global Christianity and Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Protestant Theology and Religious Studies in Brussels where he coordinates the activities of the Centre for Afro-European and Religious Studies (CARES). He is also a visiting professor at the National Pedagogical University of Kinshasa (DRC) and at the Al Mowafaqa Institute in Rabat (Morocco) where he was director from 2012 to 2018.

He has conducted research since 2002 in Congo Brazzaville on a protestant prophetic movement (Nsikumusu) and other contemporary Kongo prophetisms. His other research fields were in Morocco (2012-2018) among Migrant churches networks and more recently in Ethiopia (2019-2020) where he documented religious pluralism in a popular neighbourhood of Addis Abeba.

His work and publications focus on three areas: the religious dynamics of migratory paths and the emergence of a postcolonial and transnational Christianity in Europe; religious pluralisation in sub-Saharan and Mediterranean Africa; and prophetic movements in Central Africa.

Pr. Bernard Coyault List of Books and Articles

  • Afropeanity and Women’s Conditions. Naming One’s Condition (ed. Coyault B. et al.), Brussels, ASP Academic and Scientific Publishers, 2023 (forthcoming).
  • God Will Open the Sea. African Christianities in Morocco (with S. Bava et M. Nejmi), Rabat, Ed. Kulte, 2022.
  • Africa(s) and Religious Radicalisms (ed. Coyault B. et al.), Rabat, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung EV., 2018.
  • Prophets and Revealed Songs of the Congolese Revival (forthcoming, 2024)
  • “Kenneth Cragg (1913-2012), Anglican figure of the dialogue with Islam in the 20th century Milestones and paradoxes of a committed thought ” in Actes du colloque Protestantisme et Islam (IPT Paris – janvier 2022), Paris, EPHE éditions, 2023 (forthcoming).
  • “Sung Resistance in Simon Kimbangu’s Movement (1921) and some of its contemporary Legacies”, in Ngudiankama A. N. (ed.), The Kongo-Socio-cultural movements: 100 years after Simon Kimbangu’s arrest, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
  • “The Bible as ‘the Great Code’ Among Migrants in Morocco””. Narrative Virtuosos, Performances and Performativity, Analecta Bruxellensia 21, 2022.
  • “Religious Practices and Social (In)Visibility among Christian Prophetesses in Morocco” in Spotorno M. & Tarantino D. (ed.), Migrants and the Challenge of the Faith: Identity and Adaptation, Montalto Dora, PM Edizioni, 2021.
  • “Praying at ‘Zenith’: Healing and Deliverance in a Congolese Globalized Pentecostal Network” in Luc Forestier (ed.), Dieu guérit-il encore ?, Paris, Cerf, 2021.
  • “Itineraries of a Guinean-Liberian Pentecostal Prophetess in Rabat”, Migrations Société n°184, 2021.
  • “Karl Edvard Laman, A Swedish Missionary and Ethnologist in Congo (1891-1919). Between Learned Culture and Christian Humanism: The Missionary Utopia in the Face of the Colonial Leviathan”, Bérose – Encyclopédie internationale des histoires de l’anthropologie (
  • “’Africa Arise’ – Beza International Church: pan-Africanism and Theopolitical Imaginary of an Ethiopian Pentecostalism”, Bulletin de l’Observatoire international du religieux n°28, Sciences Po – CERI (Centre de Recherches internationales), 2019.
  • “Efraïm Andersson (1896-1989), a Swedish missionary in Kongo prophetic terrain”, Carnets de Bérose n°9, 2019.
  • “The warrior prophetism of the Reverend Pastor Ntumi: The origin and development of the Nsilulu movement in the Republic of the Congo (1998–2019)”, Afrique contemporaine 3, n°267, 2019.
  • “Christianity in Northern Africa” in Apawo Phiri I. et al. (ed), Anthology of African Christianity, Oxford, Regnum Books, 2016.
  • Witchcraft in the life of a church in Congo: between denial and contagion, in Fancello S. (ed.), Penser la sorcellerie en Afrique, Paris, Hermann, 2015.
  • “Religious Innovation and Prophetic Aesthetics in Congo.The Louzolo-Amour Movemen”t, Afrique contemporaine 4, n°252, 2014.
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