Tarik Sabry is Professor of media and cultural studies at the University of Westminster, UK, where he is member of the Communication and Media Research Institute, and leader of the Global Media Research Theme. He is co-author with Dr Mansour of Children And Screen Media in Changing Arab Contexts: An Ethnographic Perspective (Palgrave 2019) and author of Cultural Encounters in the Arab World: On Media, the Modern and the Everyday (2010, I.B. Tauris).
Sabry is a leading scholar in the field of Arab cultural studies and has edited several anthologies on the subject of media, culture and society in the Arab region including Arab Cultural Studies: Mapping the Field (IB Tauris 2012), Arab Subcultures: Transformations in Theory and Practice (With Dr Ftouni 2017, Bloomsbury), and Culture, Time and Publics in the Arab World (with Dr Khalil Bloomsbury 2019). Sabry conducted several ethnographic studies exploring the relationship between digital media and the dynamics of hybrid identities in Egypt, Lebanon, the UK and Morocco. He is also Co-Founder and Co-Editor of the Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication.