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Mémoriser le Coran, vivre l’islam

L’apprentissage coranique au Maroc et dans le monde musulman



Une question qui vient souvent à l’esprit quand on regarde des images d’enfants musulmans récitant le Coran est celle de savoir comment ils arrivent à mémoriser une somme aussi importante de versets écrits dans une langue classique, l’arabe coranique, qui leur est, pour la plupart, méconnue. La réponse à cette question est plurielle car il existe en réalité différentes manières de mémoriser le texte coranique selon les aires culturelles de l’islam mais qui toute convergent vers le même objectif, la récitation idéale du Coran. La pluralité des méthodes de mémorisation du Coran dans les terres d’islam, des plus rigoristes aux plus créatives, pose cependant la question des différentes sensibilités au texte qu’elle motive. Ce livre interroge le rapport entre mémorisation du texte coranique dans la tradition soufie et transmission des habiletés à l’écrire, à l’interpréter et à le vivre, dans une tradition pédagogique et culturelle particulière, celle en vigueur dans le Souss, région majoritairement berbérophone du Sud marocain.

Montaigne et ses traducteurs مـونــتـيــــنيْ ومترجــموه Montaigne and his translators

It addresses questions of Montaigne’s “translatability” and linguistic adaptation in Arabic-speaking culture, and revisits his choice of the vernacular.


It addresses questions of Montaigne’s “translatability” and linguistic adaptation in Arabic-speaking culture, and revisits his choice of the vernacular. The volume also revisits the author’s relationship with Latin. Montaigne’s translations into English offer a model of linguistic and ideological adaptation.

Beyond Orientalism: Ahmad ibn Qasim al-Hajari between Europe and North Africa

Understanding the Early Mediterranean Through the Life of the Moroccan Polymath Ahmad bin Qasim al-Hajari


The first in-depth study of the collaborative intellectual exchange between the European and the Arabic Republics of Letters. Beyond Orientalism reformulates our understanding of the early modern Mediterranean through the remarkable life and career of Moroccan polymath Ahmad Ibn Qâsim al-Hajarî (ca. 1570-1641)

Pr. Oumelbanine Zhiri is a professor at UCSD (University of California, San Diego), where she teaches French, Arabic and comparative literature, and world history.

On Earth or in Poems: The Many Lives of al-Andalus

How the memory of Muslim Iberia shapes art and politics from New York and Cordoba to Cairo and the West Bank.


During the Middle Ages, the Iberian Peninsula was home not to Spain and Portugal but rather to al-Andalus. Ruled by a succession of Islamic dynasties, al-Andalus came to be a shorthand for a legendary place where people from the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe; Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived together in peace. That reputation is not entirely deserved, yet, as On Earth or in Poems shows, it has had an enduring hold on the imagination, especially for Arab and Muslim artists and thinkers in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.

Pr. Eric Calderwood is Associate Professor, in Department of Comparative Literature
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

L’Humanité des autres

Comment parler d’humanisme aujourd’hui?


À partir d’une lecture anthropologique de Montaigne, ce livre aborde cette question par la notion de diversité au sein d’une humanité une : la capacité à concevoir et juger font de l’humanité une seule espèce.

Pr. Ali Benmakhlouf is Director of Center for African Studies at UM6P and Professor

Philosophy manual: a South-South perspective

Through the promotion of South-South intellectual and philosophical dialogue, this handbook seeks to encourage the development of diverse viewpoints by supporting and promoting the often overlooked philosophical traditions of the metaphorical ‘South’. By providing educational resources designed to teach young people about the diversity of philosophical thought, the handbook is an innovative, high-quality tool for young people in secondary and higher education and in non-formal education. Other language versions (French, Arabic, Spanish) can be found on the website.

With the Participation of Pr. ALI BENMAKHLOUF

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