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Seminar Decolonizing the Curriculum: A View From The ‘Global South’

Sabrine Hakam

Pr.Ali Benmakhlouf

November 28, 2024

UM6P Campus – Benguerir

This talk explores the imperative of decolonising the curriculum, emphasizing the integration of subaltern voices—feminist, southern, postcolonial, and ‘other’—within academic institutions. By recontextualizing traditional Eurocentric narratives as vernacular expressions of northern academia, we challenge the universality of northern theory and engage with southern knowledge to dismantle hegemonic structures. Specifically focusing on urban geography, we confront the discipline’s ‘unbearable whiteness’ and embrace the transformative potential of the ‘undercommons,’ which includes black, indigenous, poor, feminist, and subaltern voices. This talk will interrogate who gets to represent the ‘global south’ in historically Eurocentric disciplines, aiming to elevate subversive intellectual work and contribute to a more pluralistic understanding of the ‘global south.’

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